Sunday, September 23, 2012

oh hai, been a whiles =)

hai hai
been a whiles
as the title indicates
well at least for me it has....
however tonight i'm headed back to Azeroth =D
and i'm a little excited about it
My partner, a Night Elf Druid, had a play last night
(my game was still loading the mega patch =)
and i had such an overwhelming sense of, well, such a mix of feelings
most outstanding was the mega grin on my face
i have missed wow
and am looking forward to playing again
in a few days
hee hee
i was thinking bout maybe writing about my adventures of my little panda girl here
when i make one
when i decide what class to make her
which is a big decision
probably monk
we'll see
anyways, lol, just a heads up to look out for some posts here
see ya in Azeroth, if you are so inclined

Night Elf Priest

1 comment:

  1. LAME!!


    I will be there soon, still trying to work out if I am gonna play my pally, my lock or my drood. Now that mounts are cross character I can see Arutha coming out of retirement!
